Welcome to the New York Knights Round Table where sports fanatics and hip hop heads can catch up on the latest happenings and interact with the hosts on what they think is important and want to hear on our show.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The TIme Has Come

After spending the past two plus years at W-UCF, the New York Knights Radio Show will take its act on the road to a new home, Knightcast!  The NY Knights are very excited about this upcoming opportunity and have taken it upon ourselves to add some new content to the show.  The addition of playing music will allow us to help promote local talent and artists and help break the show up so that it isn't just an hour of us rambling.  We also have the new ability to interact with our listeners during the taping of the show since we'll be live from here on out.  We're working on new segments that for the time being will stay under raps since we still have to figure out how to best apply them into this new format but just as we did with W-UCF we plan to bring an exciting and knowledgeable perspective.  Another plan of ours is to get more involved with the UCF community so if you run a club or sports team on campus we'd love to have you on and help promote what you're trying to do so that we can help make the campus student body just a little more tighter knit.  If you have ever listened to the show we hope that you'll join us on our switch to Knightcast and are as excited as we are for the new chance.  We want to thank W-UCF for allowing us to tape there for the past few seasons and won't forget our roots but as they say, all good things must come to an end.  In its place starts the birth of an even greater thing and so without further ado we hope to see you at 8 over on Knightcast.org. 

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